TSL | Taiwan Sing Language Gleaning
TSL | Taiwan Sing Language Gleaning
hand gesture
a building collapses


Action description
Straighten all fingers of both hands, face the finger tips upwards, face the palms to each other, and then lean to one side. This sign mimics a collapsing building.
Example sentence
- Our house collapsed in that earthquake. I wasn’t here at that time because I went to Chiayi. I went to Chiayi around 6 o’clock to buy things like shoe soles and shoe oil. I drove to Chiayi and when it was around 8 o'clock, the earthquake happened and some buildings had collapsed. So I returned home immediately.
- I spent a lot of money since the house collapsed. We just received a few of government subsidies. That's why I spent a lot of money.
- I am very poor but her family was very rich. I come from a poor family but she came from a wealthy family. They had a lot of land but I don't know what happened later on. Her family fell on hard times and they started selling their land one by one until one day they sold them all.